Kindness #1

For my first random act of kindness, I was in seven eleven grabbing a quick snack and I was waiting in the line up to pay when I noticed the person in front of who was around in grade five did not have enough money to buy his treat. I thought that this would be a great chance to do something kind so I paid for the last 2$ of his purchase. After he came and thanked me and seemed really happy. After seeing him I had felt like I had made his day. It was nice to see that I had made someone happy.

What Do You Do With An Idea

“What Do You Do With An Idea” written by Kobi Yamada, and illustrated by May Besom is a book about a boy who had an idea. When he first thought of the idea he was scared to share it with his friends. He thought people wouldn’t like it. Throughout the story, he feels more and more confident in sharing it with other people. By the end of the story, his idea has become a reality for him. I think the point of the story is if you have an idea you shouldn’t be afraid to share it and make it a reality. I really liked to illustrations of the book and how detailed they are. All in all, I think the book is great.


One is a book written by Kathrine Otoshi. The book is about blue. Blue loves to play in the water and playing in the rain, but sometimes he wants to be bright, like Yellow! But one day Red came along. Red always said, “Red is hot Blue is not!”. Blue felt sad because she was getting picked on. Her friends would just watch and through Blue being sad Red would get bigger and bigger. One day the colours were laughing without red so red went over to them and told them to stop, but blue stood up tall and said “no”. After blue had said that red became smaller. I think the point of the story was to stand up for your self and for others.


Two by Kathrine Otoshi is a book about two friends. One and two were best friends until three came along. One started to play with three which left two by her self. That led up to the evens and odds having a fight. Eventually, two decided to speak up and talk about how the two groups should stop fighting. She said that they should all put aside their differences and just all play together. in the end three apologizes to two for excluding her and they all start to hang out with each other again. I think that the moral of the story is to not let differences come in the way of friendship.

Ivan: The Remarkable True Tale of the Shopping Mall Gorilla

Ivan: The Remarkable True Tale of the Shopping Mall Gorilla written by Kathrine Applegate and illustrated by G. Brian. The book is about a gorilla who is sold to a family who owns a mall. The family had named him Ivan and stayed at his new home, but he was transferred to a mental cage when he got too big to live in his current house. he had lived there alone for 27 years. Until people started to protest that he was being held there for too long and should be released. I think that the book is good for kids that like animals.

Morris Micklewhite And The Tangerine Dress

“Morris Micklewhite And The Tangerine Dress” written by Christine Baldacchino and illustrated by Isabelle Malenfant. The book is about a boy named Morris. Morris had made a dress that reminded him of a small tiger and his mother’s hair. He loved the dress because when he sat down it would crinkle and when he ran around it would flow up and down around. One day he had worn it to school but his classmates thought it was weird for a boy to wear a dress. But one day when he came to school he brought a painting and showed it to his friends and they let him play with them. He went into the space ship and off they went. I think the message of the story is to accept people and not bully them for doing something. I think that the book is great and if mainly for grade 2-5.


“Chopsticks” by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Scott Magoon. This book is about a pair of chopsticks who are inseparable. All of their friends have never seen them apart from each other but that was soon about to change. One day a piece of asparagus came and broke one of the chopsticks legs. The Wisk whisked him away to the hospital. The other chopstick would come to see him all the time. Some days he would stay by his side for the whole day. His chopsticks friend told him to go outside and explore without him and tell him the storeys of the outside world. So he went outside and tried new things by himself like, playing hockey,  and using a catapult. He came back to the hospital when his partner was all better and they were back together.  I think this book is for grades 2+. I liked this book cause it was filled with puns and it focused on independence even if you are not used to it.


“Spoon” written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Scott Magoon is a book that focuses on a spoon and how he doesn’t feel like he is needed as much as the other utensils. He feels like the fork is more important than him and that he isn’t used as much. He feels that the chopsticks are better than him because when people look at a set of chopsticks they think that they are exotic. But the fork thinks that the spoon is better than him because he can measure things and dive right into a bowl of ice cream and fork can’t do those things. Chopsticks think that spoon is luck because he doesn’t have another part of him like the chopsticks. The book ends with Spoon sleeping and thinking about all the good things. I can relate to this story because I used to think that being small was bad but then they are bonuses to being small like being able to run faster and fit through smaller spaces. I think the book is written for people from grade 1-3.

Bats Big Game

“Bats Big Game”  is illustrated by Eugenia Naboti and re-told by Margret Read MacDonald. The book is about a soccer tournament between Birds and Animals. On the Bird, team was Eagle, Sparrow, Wren and Robin, and Ostrich. And on the animal team was Bear, Deer, Hippo and Kangaroo. The game was about to start but then Bat flew into the field he looked at the birds and did not want to be on their team because they were to scronny so he wanted to be on the animal team instead. He joined the team and they started playing the game. The game was 2-1 for the Birds and Bat wanted to switch teams so he put his jersey on the bush then went to the birds and switched his team. So he keeps switching teams until he is caught. The birds asked him if he was on the animal team just a minute ago and he said “no” but then the animals said ” weren’t you on our team a second ago. So bat told the truth, he said ” I just want to be on the winning team” but Hippo said “A good player stays on his own team even if they are loosing. But now you are not on any team”. So bat walked away and went to practice his game because that was the last time he would be on both teams! I think that the book was good because it showed that even if you loose a game you need to stick to your team. I think the book is an 8/10.