After the Fall How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

After the Fall How Humpty Dumpty Got Back, Up Again is written and illustrated by Dan Santat.
 The book is a sequel to the original Humpty Dumpty. the book picks up after Humpty Dumpty is put back together. He looks the same but the doctors couldn’t fix everything. after the fall he was scared of heights. it restricted him from doing the things he used to love. After while he decides to build a paper airplane. he loves birds and it reminds him of when he would sit up on the wall and watch the birds fly around. He missed the wall but he was afraid of it at the same time. The plane crashed and he realized that the only way for him to feel what it was like when he was on the wall was for him to go back up. He went back up and felt like it was the best thing ever. I can connect to this because I can be afraid of something but miss it and love it so much at the same time

The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

“The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind” written by Willam Kam Kwamba and Bryan Mealer, and illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon is a story about a boy from Africa. He and his family only get one meal per day since rain rarely comes to make the soil damp for the plants. instead of rain the get strong powerful winds. one day William (the boy) went to the charitable library. He was looking through all the books when he found some on motors. There was another book that had a tower that was taller than any tree but it had spikes on the side. It was a windmill. in his house, William had no electricity so he thought maybe he could try and make his own version of the windmill. He went into the field and started to build a small windmill. He waited and waited then a gust of wind came through and spun the wheel. William connected a light bulb with some wires and soon it was brighter than the sun. He thought if he could provide energy why can’t he provide water. After he built his water station they waited for the machine to power up and it released water. William was known all around for helping his people with water and food.

The Noisy Paint Box: The Colours and Sounds of Kandinsky’s Abstracts

“The Noisy Paint Box: The Colours and Sounds of Kandinsky’s Abstracts” written by Barb Rosenstock and Illustrated by Mary Grandprè. The book is about a Russian boy whose family expects him to be like everyone else. He is expected to play piano and do math and things like that until one day when he picks up a box of paints. He opens the box and starts painting. While he is painting he feels like the colours sing different songs. he goes and shows his parents but they tell him to put it away and go and do some math. After a while, he becomes a Lawyer. He was not happy with his job and all he wanted to do is paint. He dropped out of being a lawyer and went to pursue becoming an artist. When he became an artist he used his box of colours and started to paint something. No one knew what he was painting. They expected him to paint what everyone else was painting. After a while, he built up the courage to pick up his box and show the world what it’s like to paint his way.

Wangari’s Trees of Peace: A True Story From Africa

“Wangari’s Trees of Peace: A True Story From Africa” is written and illustrated by Jeanette Winter, is a story about a girl from Africa who loves the trees and the wildlife. One day she has to go to school for a couple years but when she gets back the area looks like a desert. Before she left there were trees grass rich soil, but now it looked like a desert. No trees, no grass, no sugar cane. She decided to start planting trees. The word caught on and other people started helping out and started planting trees. all the birds started coming back and the soil was rich again. After a few years, she had planted 51 trees. I can relate to this because my family and I were away for 2 weeks in Europe and when we got back all the plants were dead. We decided that we would plant everything again so our house wouldn’t look plain.

The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau

“The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau” written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarina, is a story about a young boy who grew up in France. His parents wanted him to go learn how to swim so he could become stronger. One day his friend gave him a pair of goggles so he could see underwater, the goggles changed his life. He wanted to stay underwater for longer and not have to come back to the surface whenever he needed a breath. The scuba suits were giant and bulky so he set out to make his own scuba suit. His was lighter and could carry more oxygen so he could stay down longer. He loved seeing the fish and the places they lived in. He died on June 25th, 1997. I can connect to when Jacques went under water and saw the fish for the first time when I was around 5 years old my family and I went on a trip to Hawaii and one day they wanted to go scuba diving. they didn’t want me to go into the water but the crew members had this tiny little raft with a glass bottom  I could sit in and see the fish. It was my first time seeing exotic fish like that. another connection I can make is when Jacques said the other suits were too bulky. When I go scuba diving I don’t like wearing the mask because when your breathing and there are waves some of the water goes into your tube that you breathe trough so you have to take it off and empty it. I think the book is very good and is meant for people who love the ocean.

Connections Enemy pie

“Enemy Pie” written by Derek Munson and illustrated by Tara Callahan King. The book is about a kid who is having the best summer of his life. His dad and him made a tree house, his sister was in a camp for three weeks, and he was on the best basketball team in town. One day another kid named Jeremy moved into a house down the block. Jeremy was on his enemy list. When Jeremy moved in he through a trampoline party and he wasn’t invited. He told his dad and he knew what to do. I can relate to having a trampoline because one time our neighbours were moving and they had a trampoline so they let us have it for the time it took them to move. The other connection I can make is reading about people judging people and how they think they can only be mean. But you can become friends with them. The third connection I can make is that bullying is a serious cause in the world. There are a bunch of things that can happen with bullying. My final connection is I saw a movie about this boy who got bullied but then he tried to become friends with the bully and they became best friends. I feel like the book is all about “do not judge a book by its cover”.

Sir Cumference The Dragon Of Pi

“Sir Cumference The Dragon Of Pi” written by Cindy Neuschwander and illustrated by Wayne Geehan, is a book set in the medieval times with Kings and Queens. The story begins with King Sir Cumference and his son Radius eating until his father says his stomach is hurting. He tells Radius to go get some medicine. Radius goes and finds a spell with a note on it. He ignores the note and gives it to his father, BAM,  Sir Cumference turns into a Dragon! Guards saw the dragon and called nearby allies to vanquish the dragon. Now Radius looked at the note on the spell and it warned him it would make you a dragon. The only way to cure him was to measure the circumference of the dragon and use the number to make a Pie. All this had to be done by sunrise the next day. Radius set out to find a way to cure his father. On the day of the attack, Radius had made the Pie and gave it to his father. He turned back to normal! I think the story is great for younger kids.

Kindness #5

For my final act of kindness, I was in Parkroyal on my way to best buy when I saw a guy who looked confused on where to go. I approached him and asked if he was lost and needed directions. He said he needed to know how to get to H&M, so I helped him out and he thanked me. This concludes me Random Acts Of Kindness.

Kindness #4

For my fourth act of kindness, my mom and I went shopping for groceries and we had a lot of heavy bags. When we went shopping my mom was sick that day so she couldn’t really hold the bags. I offered to take all the bags to the car so she wouldn’t feel even sicker. She was really happy about this.

Kindness #3

For my third act of kindness, I was with my mom and we were walking to the car from getting some food from the fresh street market and my mom went to go get a coffee. I decided to wait outside the shop while she got her coffee. While I was waiting there was an elderly lady who had a couple of groceries in her hand and she was right in front of her car. She seemed to be struggling with them so I decided to help her out. She was really thankful and I felt really proud of what I had done